IP Route


apt install iproute2


Wir ergänzen die Datei /etc/iproute2/rt_tables mit unseren Routing Tabellen.

# icvpn table
23  icvpn
# local community table
41  ffhf
# internet exit table
61  ffinetexit

Wie zu erkennen ist verwenden wir 3 Routing Tabellen:

  • icvpn (wird dynamisch über BGP gefüllt)

  • ffhf (enthält statische Routen der Community-Netze)

  • ffinetexit (enthält Routen für den Internet-Verkehr)

Regeln und Routen

Vor dem Eintrag exit 0 in der Datei /etc/rc.local fügen wir die Regeln und Routen ein, dass sollte dann in etwa so aussehen.


Die letzte Zeile der Datei muss exit 0 beinhalten!

#!/bin/sh -e
# This file is managed by Salt, do not edit.
# -e file
#    True if file exists.
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.

# IP rules
# von https://gluon-gateway-doku.readthedocs.org/de/latest/configuration/policyrouting.html
# Wie zu erkennen ist verwenden wir 3 Routing Tabellen:
#    icvpn (wird dynamisch über BGP gefüllt)
#    ffhf (enthält statische Routen der Community-Netze)
#    ffinetexit (enthält Routen für den Internet-Verkehr)
# lookup rt_table ffhf for all incoming traffic of freifunk related interfaces
ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} lookup ffhf priority 7
# ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ intercity }} lookup ffhf priority 7
ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ exit }} lookup ffhf priority 7
ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} lookup ffhf priority 7
# ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ intercity }} lookup ffhf priority 7
ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ exit }} lookup ffhf priority 7
# lookup rt_table icvpn for all incoming traffic of freifunk bridges
# ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} lookup icvpn priority 23
# ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} lookup icvpn priority 23
# lookup rt_table ffinetexit for all incoming traffic of freifunk bridges
ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} lookup ffinetexit priority 41
ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} lookup ffinetexit priority 41
# at this point this is the end of policy routing for freifunk related routes
ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} type unreachable priority 61
ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ exit }} type unreachable priority 61
# ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ intercity }} type unreachable priority 61
ip -4 rule add from all iif {{ primary }} type unreachable priority 61
ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ bridge }} type unreachable priority 61
ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ exit }} type unreachable priority 61
# ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ intercity }} type unreachable priority 61
ip -6 rule add from all iif {{ primary }} type unreachable priority 61
# lookup policies for the gateway host self originating traffic
ip -4 rule add from all lookup ffhf priority 107
# ip -4 rule add from all lookup icvpn priority 107
ip -6 rule add from all lookup ffhf priority 107
# ip -6 rule add from all lookup icvpn priority 107
# IP routes
# Zusätzlich zu den IP Rules befüllen wir über das rc.local-Script auch die Routing-Tabellen ffhf und ffinetexit mit den nötigen statischen Routen:
# static herford routes for rt_table ffhf
ip -4 route add proto static dev {{ bridge }} table ffhf # Todo: Add Variable
ip -6 route add fdf3:2049:5152::/48 proto static dev {{ bridge }} table ffhf # Todo: Add variable

{% if pillar['exit']['type'] != 'gre' %}
# unreachable routes for rt_table ffinetexit
ip -4 route add unreachable default table ffinetexit
ip -6 route add unreachable default table ffinetexit
{% endif %}

{% if pillar['network']['mesh']['hwaddress'] is defined %}
if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then
	if [ "$(systemctl status alfred | grep -E 'Active: inactive|Active: failed')" ]; then
		systemctl restart fastd
		sleep 3
		systemctl restart alfred
	if [ "$(service alfred status | grep stop)" ]; then
		service fastd restart
		sleep 3
		service alfred restart
{% endif %}

exit 0

Todo: Den Krams in Interfaces mir reinpacken und rauf- und runterfahren mit dem Interface?

Weitere Informationen

Salt State File


# IP Route

{% set iproute = salt['grains.filter_by']({
  'Debian': {'pkg': 'iproute2'},
}, default='Debian') %}

{{ iproute.pkg }}:
    - name: {{ iproute.pkg }}

# ip route consults /etc/iproute2/rt_tables for a table identifier.
# If it finds no identifier, it complains that it cannot find a reference to such a table.
# If a table identifier is found, then the corresponding routing table is displayed.
    - name: /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
    - text: |
        # icvpn table
        23  icvpn
        # local community table
        41  ffhf
        # internet exit table
        61  ffinetexit

# should be put in interfaces
# pre-up
# up
# post-down
# down

    - name: sh /etc/rc.local
    # - unless: test -n "$(ip rule show table all | grep ffhf)"
    - require:
      - file: /etc/rc.local
    - onchanges:
      - file: /etc/rc.local

    - name: /etc/rc.local
    - source: salt://gateway/etc/rc.local
    - mode: 755
    - template: jinja
    - defaults:
        primary: {{ pillar['network']['primary']['interface'] }}
        bridge: {{ pillar['network']['bridge']['interface'] }}
        exit: {{ pillar['network']['exit']['interface'] }}
        intercity: {{ pillar['network']['intercity']['interface'] }}

{% if grains['os_family'] == 'Debian' and grains['init'] == 'systemd' %}

{% set rclocal = salt['grains.filter_by']({
  'Debian': {'pkg': 'rc-local', 'srv': 'rc-local'},
}, default='Debian') %}

{{ rclocal.srv }}:
    - name: {{ rclocal.srv }}
    - enable: True

{% endif %}